“Counselling, Coaching, Mentoring", same same but different.

Counselling is commonly known as "talk therapy", yet most are often misguided by how that helps. Research has shown that your well-being is related to what, why and how you think, feel and respond accordingly.

It is very different compared to seeking psychiatric help, nonetheless it is a professionally trained human centric practice and therapy that allows you to discuss your problems and any difficult feelings you encounter in a safe, confidential environment. The approach maintains focus on you “being” in relation to your primal cognition and affect.

Reasons for engaging counselling typically involves discovering what's bothering you in order to uncover any root causes of experiences and identify your specific ways of thinking, you may want to change something in your lives, or simply explore your thoughts and feelings behind your fear, sadness or anger in more depth.

Coaching has traditionally been associated with sports, then gradually applied to aspects of business and life. The science and essence of coaching evidently shows a highly supportive deliberate attempt in the outcome for you to maximise your performance and achieve your personal best.

It is very different from counselling as coaching distinguishes itself in a highly structured and tailored approach time-framed for a particular outcome.

Reasons for coaching usually encompasses helping you to change the way you wish and go in the direction you want. It builds awareness and empowers choice and leads to change, the significance of which resembles a partnership towards producing results.

Mentoring has a hierarchical nature, where you would seek a senior or more experienced individual who will be your advisor or guide. It is often developmental in nature and may look beyond a current job junction, more holistic approach to career development.

Another differentiation is the informal structure and approach, where you would look up to a “role model” presenting itself as the epitome of leading by example.

Reasons for seeking mentoring often signifies your readiness and commitment to account for development that may include increased knowledge, personal growth, perspectives and network connections.

I hope that the above has helped clarify what you were seeking clarity for. As it has been my practice to improve, your constructive feedback is deeply appreciated. If you find this helpful, please feel free to share this with those that need it.